Let’s focus on high performance

Let’s build a team that consistently produces outstanding results, grows stronger as a unit, and is rewarding to be a part of. Let’s build it with the right number of people, who bring the right skills and perspectives. Let’s bring them together at the right time, for the right reasons. And let’s succeed beyond expectations.

Science-based Team Building


Create Norms


Focus On Success


Give Direction


Empower The Team


Coach The Team

We build your team from the foundation up

From the perspective of having led teams in a Fortune 15 company and from advising hundreds of teams and their leaders, we’ve observed that teams often fail to live up to their promise. “A” players all too often add up to “C-minus” teams. We understand that team development is complex. Applying an approach based on science can lead us through that complexity to some elegantly simple solutions.

Teams need strategic leaders who step up to show them where they’re going and why

Then, they need their leader to step back and enable them to figure out the what and provide coaching on the how. We are intentional about creating a supportive team culture characterized by psychological safety that encourages learning and innovation. Once the desired goals have been set, a successful team agrees to focus on outcomes, and to engage in the necessary and productive conflict it takes to achieve them.

Team success comes from a strong foundation and strong dynamics

A strong foundation is built upon a well-articulated purpose and clearly defined roles. It provides the resources required to do the job. It specifies how the team will work together and establishes a method for making team decisions.

To get a better team, coach the team

You do have to understand how individual members’ personalities, strengths and derailers interact to enhance and undermine performance. To create an effective team, we establish a climate where shared and complementary strengths shine and derailers are kept in check.

There is no magic formula for team development

Effectiveness is always defined by an end result — achieving the mission. Our approach tailors coaching to empowering this team to overcome its particular challenges and produce the outcomes for which it was established.